本帖最后由 喝咖啡的蝴蝶 于 2011-8-31 11:13 编辑
I hope .... I really do but.... I found it , I found it's pleasently bizarre...i've seen pictures and stories there're lots of Drarry Dremione,dra...(这个声音太小,实在不知道是什么配对... 【在多次听辨之后,我发觉应该是Dron!Draco * Ron!】 it's brilliant..even... is there anyone hearing of Drapple!Just Draco and an apple(估计这句谁都听出来了,少爷!最新CP你都知道!你平常都在关注些啥?)Really? It's fantastic. I think it is it's brilliant. So~creative!Oh yeah, but I think it's very cool and you know the whole serious fact just that how work has inspired people to find their own stories, desires,and .as bizzare as they can be..They paint pictures... I've seen some amazing artworks over the last few days, no,not that kind of artworks No! Now I come out(卧槽,是我听力出现问题了么?我觉得整段视频亮点在这里,如果我没听错的话= =) a lot of joy you can have ...(少爷羞涩了)...(哈哈大小笑中连续几句没听出来)that artwork suckswhoever that's doing that artwork, please stop! Yes,yes, it's all very fun I think . 最关键的部分,少爷又重申——“when Danial and I did that we definitely didn't take pictures”(当我和丹做的时候我们从来不拍照。)(fans们尖叫了!)(后面没什么重要的了,就不翻了)