本帖最后由 COSTMARY 于 2010-9-17 10:55 编辑
Win Tickets to the NYC Premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One!
Ever since we told you last month that UK based and Facebook enabled fans of Harry Potter had the chance to win tickets to the London Premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I, on November 11th, they have been rather thumbing their noses at their friends across the Atlantic.
But now those of you in the Land of the Free can 'like' the official Harry Potter Movie Facebook application and have a chance to attend the New York Premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I on November 15th.
And, just to rub our thumbed noses in it, you have been invited to join by Daniel Radcliffe, himself
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,死亡圣器,将在11月15日纽约首映。蛋泥现在就邀请你一起参加最后的战斗~!
就是说有facebook账号的同学,去harry potter movie的facebook去“like”一下(就是赞一下),就有可能赢得纽约的首映式之礼。(阿抠我目前为止也没相信有这种好事!当然我去like了一下,毛都没有QAQ)